The Greater Boston Food Bank released its 2018 Tiering score report and Bread of Life once again falls into the tiering category of the highest 10% of scores: Strategic Partner.
Each GBFB member agency is compared with the 295 other GBFB partner organizations operating food pantries within the categories listed in the report. With a total of 157 possible points, Strategic Partners earned a score of 123 or higher, Community Partners scored between 105 and 122, and Distribution Partners earned a score of up to 104. The average score was 66. Bread of Life's score was 135 based on the information GBFB collected in fiscal year 2017 (10/1/2016 through 9/30/2017).
All organizations operating food pantries that are member agencies of GBFB and have been receiving food from GBFB for at least 10 months are evaluated within the below categories and scored based on how they compare to their peers within those categories. This year, the tiering structure remains largely unchanged and so scores from this year can be reasonably compared to last year to determine your organization’s movement within the network.
Organizations that receive the highest 10% of scores are classified as “Strategic Partners”; those that received the next highest 10% of scores are classified as “Community Partners” and the remaining 80% of organizations are classified as “Distribution Partners”. Each organization, regardless of tier, plays a vital role in relieving hunger in Eastern MA and the GBFB values each partnership.
Below is how BOL ranked in the different categories:
- Pounds Distributed From GBFB: 683,506, 10th percentile
- Year on Year Increase (GBFB Pounds): 70th percentile
- Fresh Produce Pounds Distributed: 326,401, 10th percentile
- Percent Fresh Produce: 48%, 10th percentile
- Average Clients Served Monthly: 3,995, 10th percentile
- Cooler Storage: Very Large, 10th percentile
- Freezer Storage: Extra Large, 10th percentile
- Dry Storage: Large, 40th percentile
- Serves clients from outside of city/town? Yes, 70th percentile
- Distributes outside of regular busines hours? Yes, 50th percentile
- Monthly client access frequency: Once, 90th percentile
- Level of Client Choice: Moderate, 70th percentile