This dinner is open to anyone who would like to enjoy a wonderful holiday meal in good company - free of charge. No reservation is needed. Meals will be delivered to senior citizens in local cities and towns who are unable to attend. Sponsored by: Bread of Life, Anthony's of Malden, Forestdale Community Church, Malden, Hoff's Bakery, Malden, Knights of Columbus IC Council #13966, Malden High School, Malden Mayor Gary Christenson, Marty Murphy/Marty’s Caterers, Tim Rufo & Friends, and Salemwood School Staff, Malden.
Donations of roasted turkeys (preferably de-boned) are much-needed and would be appreciated. They may be brought to the Malden High School cafeteria, rear entrance off of Ferry Street, on Wednesday, November 27 from 4 – 7 pm.
Thanksgiving Volunteer Opportunities: Deadline for signing up is Friday, Nov. 22, 2019
Wed, Nov 27, 4-7 pm prepping turkey meat, desserts, dining hall. Please bring your knife and apron.
Thur, Nov 28:
8-10 am prep food, package meals for delivery, prep dining hall
10-11:30 am deliveries of meals to the elderly. If interested in being a driver, please contact the delivery coordinator, Gene Pinkham, directly at or call him at 781-321-0994
11:30 am-2 pm serve meal
2-4 pm package leftover food and cleanup
3:30-5 pm load leftover food & supplies into truck and unload at First Baptist Church, across from the High School, and at the BOL Pantry, 54 Eastern Ave, Malden.
Please contact the BOL office at 781-397-0404 to check the dates and times you are interested in. Deadline for signing up is Friday, Nov. 22, 2019.